27 Art Journal Pages – Unearthing my creative side.

I am happy to report that I am still working on my challenge of doing  an art journal page everyday for a month and I am at number 27 – it has been so much fun and I look forward to it each day.  I have found it  interesting to see what unfolds as I create and try different techniques that I have read about and want to try. I have definitely  noticed a trend in what I write on each journal page and it appears the pages are taking on a life of their own by evolving into one page vision pages and affirmations.  It is definitely an enjoyable experience to sit down and take an hour to create my daily page. 

So continuing on my quest to learn more about collage and altered art I ordered two books from Amazon – the first one is call “Taking Flight” – Inspiration & Techniques to give your Creative Spirit wings by Kelly Rae Roberts.  I was so excited when they arrived late Friday afternoon! This book is wonderful and I am so enjoying it and learning so much.  It discusses the journey into the creative life, the spirit of possibility including  facing your fears, getting involved in community both on-line and off, creating memories and much, much more.  When reading the chapter on Facing Your Fears, I could so relate to what she was saying about your creative fears where that inner voice starts saying  things like ‘who do you think you are trying to be an artist’, ‘I’m not good enough’, ‘I’m not that talented’, and it goes on and on that inner negative self talk that can be so destructive if you listen to it.  

I am discovering it is all about learning to make art for yourself and not worry about what others think of it cause it doesn’t matter as long as you are happy and finding joy in it.  Yes, if you are hoping to make a living from your art, you do need to create art that others will want to purchase but at the same time you have to stay true to yourself and create what you love and not what you think people might buy. I am happy to be just creating for myself at this time.  So you just create and not fret about others judging your art and just let your heart be involved in the process and it will come together. Believe in yourself.   

I love the Learning to Soar section in each chapter where there is a project to try with step-by-step instructions. I am preparing myself to try some of the projects – yes, fear of failure does come to mind but I am determined to get over it, cause I am doing it for myself, no one else.  By trying these projects it allows me to discover my creative wings and test them out while nurturing my vulnerability, especially where creativity is concerned.  We all struggle but when we write, collage, scrapbook, journal, paint, draw or take photographs we empower ourselves to keep seeking and growing within.

Do the Thing You Never Thought You Could Do

This past few days I have been learning how to draw a variety of human figures or I should say human-like as they are not true to form. I am pleased with what has turned up on the page –  and surprised that I could do it! The picture in this post is the second one I did and I am being very brave by including it.

In my search to grow artistically I came across this wonderful on-line workshop while catching up on Violette’s Blog http://www.violette.ca/ and have decided to sign up.  It is a really good deal for the registration fee of $59 – it goes from April 1 to August 1 and you have unlimited access to 21 artist workshops and you receive PDF’s of the workshops to keep.  So I am signing up this week and excited about getting involved with this wonderful community of artists.  Here is the link for the workshop if you are interested. http://www.dirtyfootprintsworkshops.com/2008/09/21-secrets-art-journal-playground.html

Til next time happy creating and be kind to yourself 🙂
